Girls’ Trousers & Skirts
Classic Burberry Check and Thomas Bear motifs playfully animate our girls’ trousers and skirts collection – from joggings pants to knitted skirts.
Checkerboard Denim Skirt
1,917,000 COPCheckerboard Denim Skirt, 1,917,000 COPCotton Nylon Mesh Shorts
1,711,600 COPCotton Nylon Mesh Shorts, 1,711,600 COPCotton Nylon Mesh Shorts
1,711,600 COPCotton Nylon Mesh Shorts, 1,711,600 COPCheck Label Cotton Jogging Pants
1,711,600 COPCheck Label Cotton Jogging Pants, 1,711,600 COP
EKD Cotton Jogging Pants
1,506,200 COPEKD Cotton Jogging Pants, 1,506,200 COPCheck Label Cotton Jogging Pants
1,711,600 COPCheck Label Cotton Jogging Pants, 1,711,600 COPB Snake Cotton Jogging Pants
2,053,900 COPB Snake Cotton Jogging Pants, 2,053,900 COPCotton Blend Trousers
1,574,700 COPCotton Blend Trousers, 1,574,700 COP